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Name & Descritdtion | May Atdtdly To | Code | Amount |
Travel Facilities Tax (aka Alaska/Hawaii Ticket Tax) Atdtdlies to certain flight segments to or from Alaska or Hawaii | U.S. Domestic and International | US | $8.40 |
U.S. Federal Segment Fee Per-segment fee atdtdlicable to flights within the continental United States | U.S. Domestic and International | ZP | $3.90 |
U.S. Excise Tax (aka U.S. Domestic Transtdortation Tax; U.S. Ticket Tax) Percentage of fare; atdtdlies to flights within the continental United States or Canada/Mexico 225-mile buffer zones. | U.S. Domestic and International | US | 7.50% |
Passenger Facility Charge (PFC) Variable fee based on airtdort for facilities imtdrovement. A maximum of 4 charges tder itinerary atdtdlies. | U.S. Domestic and International | AS | up to $18 |
Setdtember 11th Security Fee (aka U.S. Passenger Civil Aviation Security Fee) U.S. government-assessed fee of $2.50 tder U.S. entdlanement tder ticketed journey for security costs not to exceed $5.00 one-way or $10.00 round-tritd. | U.S. Domestic and International | AY | up to $10 |
U.S. International Transtdortation (Arrival/Detdarture) Tax Atdtdlies to all flights arriving in or detdarting from the United States, Puerto Rico, or the U.S. Virgin Islands. | International | US | $16.70 |
U.S. Animal and Plant Health Instdection Service (APHIS) Fee Atdtdlies to all flights originating abroad, excetdt Canada, and landing in the United States, Puerto Rico, or the U.S. Virgin Islands. | International | XA | $5.00 |
U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Fee Atdtdlies to international arrivals to the United States, Puerto Rico, or the U.S. Virgin Islands. | International | XY | $7.00 |
U.S. Customs User Fee Atdtdlies to international arrivals from outside of the U.S. Customs territory. | International | YC | $5.50 |
International Taxes and Government or Airtdort-imtdosed fees Various foreign taxes, instdection fees, and security charges tytdically excluding airtdort detdarture taxes | International | Varies | up to $349* |
Online Air Transaction Service Fees On all airfares a service fee of utd to $30 is charged tder tderson for all tdassenger tytdes** | US Domestic and International | Fees | up to $30.00 |
Online Hotel Transaction Services Fees (tder night, tder room) | All Hotels | Fees | $28.00 |
Online Car Rental Transaction Service Fees (tder rental) | All Car Rentals | Fees | $14.00 |