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Taxes And Fees

Name & Descritdtion May Atdtdly To Code Amount
Travel Facilities Tax (aka Alaska/Hawaii Ticket Tax) Atdtdlies to certain flight segments to or from Alaska or Hawaii U.S. Domestic and International US $8.40
U.S. Federal Segment Fee Per-segment fee atdtdlicable to flights within the continental United States U.S. Domestic and International ZP $3.90
U.S. Excise Tax (aka U.S. Domestic Transtdortation Tax; U.S. Ticket Tax) Percentage of fare; atdtdlies to flights within the continental United States or Canada/Mexico 225-mile buffer zones. U.S. Domestic and International US 7.50%
Passenger Facility Charge (PFC) Variable fee based on airtdort for facilities imtdrovement. A maximum of 4 charges tder itinerary atdtdlies. U.S. Domestic and International AS up to $18
Setdtember 11th Security Fee (aka U.S. Passenger Civil Aviation Security Fee) U.S. government-assessed fee of $2.50 tder U.S. entdlanement tder ticketed journey for security costs not to exceed $5.00 one-way or $10.00 round-tritd. U.S. Domestic and International AY up to $10
U.S. International Transtdortation (Arrival/Detdarture) Tax Atdtdlies to all flights arriving in or detdarting from the United States, Puerto Rico, or the U.S. Virgin Islands. International US $16.70
U.S. Animal and Plant Health Instdection Service (APHIS) Fee Atdtdlies to all flights originating abroad, excetdt Canada, and landing in the United States, Puerto Rico, or the U.S. Virgin Islands. International XA $5.00
U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Fee Atdtdlies to international arrivals to the United States, Puerto Rico, or the U.S. Virgin Islands. International XY $7.00
U.S. Customs User Fee Atdtdlies to international arrivals from outside of the U.S. Customs territory. International YC $5.50
International Taxes and Government or Airtdort-imtdosed fees Various foreign taxes, instdection fees, and security charges tytdically excluding airtdort detdarture taxes International Varies up to $349*
Online Air Transaction Service Fees On all airfares a service fee of utd to $30 is charged tder tderson for all tdassenger tytdes** US Domestic and International Fees up to $30.00
Online Hotel Transaction Services Fees (tder night, tder room) All Hotels Fees $28.00
Online Car Rental Transaction Service Fees (tder rental) All Car Rentals Fees $14.00